public function lists($table = 'product', $parentId = 0, $orderby = 'asc') { static $data = null; if (isset($data[$table][$parentId])) { return $data[$table][$parentId]; } self::$obj = $GLOBALS['db']; self::$urlpath = defined('M_PATH_URL') ? M_PATH_URL : PATH_URL; self::$city_one = $GLOBALS['city_one'] ?? []; self::$fnames = $GLOBALS['fnames'] ?? null; $model = $table == 'info' ? 'news' : $table; $nodes = $this->getAllCateGories($table, $orderby); foreach ($nodes as $key => $value) { $nodes[$key]['target'] = intval($value['target']) == 2 ? '_blank' : ''; if($table == 'product' || $table == 'news'){ $nodes[$key]['cname'] = Core_Fun::quChong($nodes[$key]['cname']); } $nodes[$key]['img'] = $value['img'] ?: PATH_URL."admin/assets/images/nopic.jpg"; $cityPre = ''; if(empty(self::$fnames)){ if (!empty(self::$city_one) && $table == 'product') { $cityPre = self::$city_one['en'].'_'; }elseif(!empty(self::$city_one) && $table == 'news'){ $cityPre = self::$city_one['en'].'_'; } } if ($table == 'download' || $table == 'job') { $nodes[$key]['url'] = $value['linkurl'] ?: frontendUrl(self::$urlpath.$model, ($value['slug'] ?:$value['cid']).'/'); } else { $nodes[$key]['url'] = $value['linkurl'] ?: frontendUrl(self::$urlpath.$model, $cityPre.($value['slug'] ?:$value['cid']).'/'); } // 新闻分类数量 if ($table == 'news') { $nodes[$key]['count'] = $this->getcount($value['cid']); } } $data[$table][$parentId] = (new PHPTree)->getTree($nodes, $parentId); return $data[$table][$parentId]; } // 获取数量 public static function getcount($cid) { self::$obj = $GLOBALS['db']; $searchsql = " WHERE v.flag=1"; if(intval($cid)>0) { $childs_sql = (new Core_Mod)->build_childsql("newscate","v",intval($cid),""); if(Core_Fun::ischar($childs_sql)) { $searchsql .= " AND (v.cid='".intval($cid)."'".$childs_sql.")"; } else { $searchsql .= " AND v.cid='".intval($cid)."'"; } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX. "news as v".$searchsql." ORDER BY orders"; return count(self::$obj->getall($sql)); }